AJC's fourth International Autumn School is back with a new University and a fantastic destination. The program is curated by Pappal Suneja, Ph.D. Scholar, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Where: TU Wein, Department of Spatial Planning, Center of Sociology and Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering & Geodesy, the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia.
When: 3rd to 15th Dec 2023.
Program Highlights
a) 3 European Credit Points
b) University Exposure and lots of fun!
c) Internship Offers for active participation
Series of workshops, seminars, lectures and didactic activities; facilitated and certified by the faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering, & Geodesy.

Program Schedule : Week-wise
Week 1 – 3rd & 4th Dec - TU Wein Workshop.
5th Dec onwards - Parametric Design Workshop with students and teachers of the University of Banja Luka.
Week 2 (Part 1) – 11th Dec onwards, workshops: Design Thinking and Industrial Design Methods, Post Socialist/Colonial Cities - Urban Scale Comparison& Architectural Journalism & Criticism.
Week 2 (Part 2) – 13th Dec onwards, Heritage Walks, Site Visits in Banja Luka, etc.
Autumn School, Austria & Bosnia 2023
Coordinator: Pappal Suneja, Founder & Curator, AJC+
Watch the Instagram space for upcoming updates.
For queries, contact the team through email - plusajc@gmail.com